Fiorentina baby

General terms and conditions for applying for the Fiorentina Baby giveaway.


Grazie all’iniziativa Fiorentina Baby, ogni famiglia potrà festeggiare l’arrivo del proprio bebè con un dono davvero speciale e tanto atteso dai tifosi: “la mia prima maglia Viola”, la maglia gara della Fiorentina deliziosamente riadattata per i piccoli neonati. 

Le famiglie dei piccoli nati potranno scegliere se ritirare subito il proprio regalo in uno dei  CENTRI DI DISTRIBUZIONE FIORENTINA BABY, attraverso un codice a barre che verrà inviato via mail oppure se riceverlo a casa in circa 20 giorni.

Basta seguire le indicazioni qui fornite e inserire i dati necessari per completare la richiesta del regalo Viola. Una volta completata la procedura verranno fornite le indicazioni sulla consegna del piccolo cadeau.

The request can be made by anyone who is registered with InViola and has the necessary data to complete the online request.

The request can only be submitted online at according to the directions provided. Exceptions are requests for overseas shipments, whose requests must be sent to and handled on time.

"My First Purple Jersey" can only be requested for children born up to 5 months before the current date.

An user can send a maximum of no.1 request each year and a maximum of no. 3 total requests.
In some cases it is possible that ACF Fiorentina will make checks not only on the user but also on the shipping address.

For special cases write to

Any requests for children born abroad or for shipments of the gift abroad write an email to Requests will be evaluated individually.

For further information or difficulties you can contact the Fiorentina Point (Via dei Sette Santi, 28r, 50137 - FLORENCE) by e-mail or by phone 055571259.

For pickup at any of our pickup centers, there is no waiting time.
In this case, simply show up with the document received by email after with the bar code and immediately pick up the requested gift.

For shipments in Italy by courier, waiting times are normally 10 to 15 working days.

For shipments abroad, times are related to shipping location and shipping method.

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